The aim of this project is to evaluate the impact of the newly developed HOP’N After School Program on 4th grade children’s youth development (physical activity and healthy eating beliefs), healthy eating, physical activity, and risk for overweight.
Eight schools and after school programs that agree to be randomized to receive HOP’N program or not receive the program will participate in the study.
After School Program Data Collection (Fall and Spring of 2005-06, 2006-07. 2007-08):
In School Data Collection (Spring of 2006, 2007, 2008):
The aim of this project is to evaluate the impact of the newly developed HOP’N After School Program on 4th grade children’s youth development (physical activity and healthy eating beliefs), healthy eating, physical activity, and risk for overweight.
Eight schools and after school programs that agree to be randomized to receive HOP’N program or not receive the program will participate in the study.
- Healthy Snack: Provides a daily healthy snack opportunity that models healthy eating for all children.
- Physical Activity: Offers thirty minutes of daily moderate and vigorous physical activity for all children. The physical activity element is based on the CATCH program, which is a developmentally appropriate program that has been shown through rigorous NIH funded research to increase physical activity during in school physical education. The after school staff will build on their current offerings by selecting from a menu of CATCH activities shown by research to have evidence for preventing overweight children.
- Nutrition and Physical Activity Education: Offers a one-time weekly one-hour enrichment nutrition and physical activity curriculum activity. The education component will include 32 lessons targeting 4 th grade children that are delivered by staff of a community partner and designed to promote youth development, healthy eating, and physical activity.
- Continuous Staff Training and Feedback: Ensure staff competency by providing a four-time yearly staff development workshop, monthly site coordinator conference call, and continuous web support. The HOP’N program staff will lead workshops to build on the capacity of after school program staff to develop community and school opportunities for physical activity and nutrition and to implement evidence-based strategies through the HOP’N After School Program.
After School Program Data Collection (Fall and Spring of 2005-06, 2006-07. 2007-08):
- Parental consent: To determine the impact of the program on children enrolled in the fourth grade group’s after school activities, parents will be asked to provide consent for their children to participate in the study at the time of after school program enrollment.
- Height and weight: To determine risk for overweight, the 4th grade group will be measured on their height and weight during after school time.
- Child and parent survey: Children and their parents will complete a survey that measures their physical activity, diet, and confidence, skills and beliefs about healthy eating and physical activity.
- Observation and log of physical activity and snack offerings: One day a month during the after school program a research assistant will visit and observe the environment, physical activity and snack offerings (6 times yearly). During these visits, children with parental consent will wear a small pedometer-like device that provides an accurate measure of their physical activity. Staff will also be interviewed on their perceptions of the program. The aim of this project is to evaluate the impact of the newly developed HOP’N After School Program on 4 th grade children’s youth development (physical activity and healthy eating beliefs), healthy eating, physical activity, and risk for overweight.
In School Data Collection (Spring of 2006, 2007, 2008):
- Parental consent: To determine the impact of the program on all 4th grade children parents will be asked to provide consent for their children to participate in the study.
- Height and weight: Fourth graders will be measured on their height and weight to determine their body mass index during the school day.
- 2005 Fall: Fall baseline measurement of children in after school program.
- 2005-2006 Baseline Year: Current after school program offerings at all schools.
- 2006 Spring: Spring measurement of children in after school program.
- 2006 Spring: Spring measurement of height and weight of all 4th grade children.
- 2006 Fall: Fall baseline measurement of children in after school program.
- 2006-2007 Program Year 1: Four after school sites will participate in the HOP’N After School Program Trainings and four sites will continue to deliver their standard program offerings.
- 2007 Spring: Spring post program measurement of children in after school program.
- 2007 Spring: Spring post program measurement of height and weight of all 4th grade children.
- 2007 Fall: Fall baseline measurement of children in after school program.
- 2007-2008 Program Year 2: Four after school sites will be participate in the HOP’N After School Program Trainings and four sites will continue to deliver their standard program offerings.
- 2008 Spring: Spring post program measurement of children in after school program.
- 2008 Spring: Spring post program measurement of height and weight of all 4th grade children.